Dear all,
Some New York Welsh members plan to peacefully march in support of Black Lives Matter on Saturday, 13 June 2020 and anyone who would like to join is welcome.
The location of the weekend marches will be announced on this website on Friday: When announced we will coordinate where to meet, it will mostly likely be in the afternoon in a quiet location near Washington Square Park or Bryant Park.
All who attend should:
- Socially Distance (Please bear in mind that marching may result in you not being able to socially distance properly. There may be an increased possibility of contracting the coronavirus).
- Wear a mask
- Bring water and snacks
- Wear appropriate footwear, and
- Bring sun protection
To find out more information please join the event on the New York Welsh Facebook Group. If you do not use Facebook please write to
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Annwyl pawb,
Mae aelodau Cymry Efrog Newydd yn bwriadu gorymdeithio mewn ffordd heddychlon ar ddydd Sadwrn, 13 Mehefin er mwyn cefnogi ‘Black Lives Matter’. Mae croeso i unrhyw un i ymuno.
Cyhoeddir lleoliad gorymdaithiau’r penwythnos ar y wefan hon ar ddydd Gwener: Unwaith bo’r lleoliad wedi’i gadarnhau byddwn ni’n gallu trefnu lleoliad tawel i gwrdd, mwy na thebyg ger Parc Sgwr Washington Square neu Parc Bryant yn ystod y prynhawn.
Dylai pawb sy'n mynychu:
- Cadw Pellter Cymdeithasol - Cofiwch, gallai gorymdeithio olygu na fyddwch yn gallu cadw pellter cymdeithasol. Efallai y bydd mwy o bosibilrwydd o ddal y coronafirws.
- Gwisgwch fwgwd
- Dewch â dŵr a rhywbeth i fwyta
- Gwisgwch esgidiau priodol, a
- Dewch ag amddiffyniad haul
Dilynwch y gwybodaeth ar dudalen Facebook Cymry Efrog Newydd neu danfonwch neges at